"Brand-X" Browsers: No, the Web is Not a Netscape Microsoft Google Monopoly
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See also Bosnian,
German (by Daniel Gruber),
Urdu (by RealMS) translations
(done by others in their own sites).
TIP: Be aware that there are browsers out there besides
Netscape Internet Explorer Chrome -- and not all of them outdated or
underpowered. In fact, the "top dog" in the browser wars has changed repeatedly over
the years, and early versions of this page referred to a Netscape vs. Microsoft browser
war that is long over, but new browser wars have followed and more probably will in the
future. Many of these browsers meet special needs not served by the "mainstream" browser(s). You
might want to try some of them to test the cross-browser compatibility of your pages.
This page started out as a simple list of alternative browsers, but it kept growing and growing,
adding lots of listings as well as supplementary information introducing the browsers. Finally,
I had to split it into several parts in order to keep the page length at a more reasonable level.
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This page was first created 24 Sep 1998, and was last modified 08 May 2016.
Copyright © 1997-2022 by Daniel R. Tobias. All rights reserved.